32, Geeta Palli, Alambagh, Lucknow 9208598540 lokbhartiintercollege@gmail.com

Rules & Regulations

  1. Parents are requested to ensure that their wards are regularly attending the classes. Regular attendance is important condition of successful working. A prior written application for leave must be submitted well in advance. In case of illness and other unforeseen circumstances the guardians should inform the Principal in written as soon as possible.
  2. A minimum attendance of 75% is required for promotion. Students should come in time for the general assembly. Late comers are liable to be sent home.
  3. No student should leave the school premise during the school hours without the written permission of the Principal which is granted on the written request of the parents.
  4. The name of the student who is absent continuously for 7 days without any written information shall be struck off the rolls. Re-admission fee will be charged Rs. 100/-
  5. Long leaves will not be allowed during the teaching periods except on medical advice.



  1. The school organises Parents-Teachers meeting in every month, in which discussions are arranged on child education and welfare. Attendance of parents is compulsory in such meetings. Suggestions for improvement are invited from the parents for the betterment of the teaching and learning procedure.
  2. Guardians are requested to see the homework diary of their wards daily and positively and sign regularly.